Window Wound Down
Mini moments of connection, with strangers, are just so inspiring. I love their unexpectedness. And the important reminders/learning they...

A B C's
(Image from - https://littletruthsstudio.com/collections/art-prints/products/abcs-of-life-art-print-1) I love opening messages from...

What's Driving the Action?
Are you participating in Steptember? Or do you follow already how many steps you take each day? There's definitely a growing awareness...

We love inspiration days. We schedule them often throughout the year as a reminder of inspirations importance within our individual and...

The Really Important I in Team
Words matter. They help shape our thinking, and if we're not mindful can really have an adverse effect on our individual and shared...

The Field We Love Playing On
"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there." - Rumi The quote above has stayed closely with me...