I love learning new things. Especially when it's as simple as a word, phrase or quote that has the potential to act as an anchor for...

An Attitude of Gratitude
The groups I get to facilitate for constantly amaze me. Inspire me. Challenge me. Remind me. Motivate me. Empower me. Teach me. And above...

Bring in the Kick
A friend of mine always laughs how little I use my legs when I swim. I guess at times I just get too comfortable and forget to bring in...

Greener Grass
Ever get grass envy? It's the middle of summer, your grass in the front or back yard has yellowed and sounds a bit crunchy to walk on....

One Step At A Time
On Saturday we celebrated the finish of our year long Let's L.E.A.D. Program with SCARF (Strategic Community Assistance for Refugee...

Planting Seeds
It's spring time here in Australia and the gardens are blooming. I love this season, warmer weather, being back in the ocean and of...

Making The Most Of What Is
Wisdom comes in all shapes and sizes. It can be expressed in so many different ways, by so many different people. Sometimes in its...

It's Not About Arriving
I can't believe that we are almost at the end of our year long leadership program for young adults within SCARF here in the Illawarra...

A Piece of the Puzzle
It's such a privilege to be a piece of the puzzle within so many educational journeys. As I've written before, we understand the amazing...

Don't Forget Your Opal Card
I never grow tired of listening to the responses of the participants within our programs. Each individuals articulation is an opportunity...