Leadership Isn't Political
At the end of our program experiences I love gauging how the participant's thoughts, beliefs, and ideas around leadership have grown,...

What do you wish others cared more about? It might be each other. Or the environment. Maybe it's wellbeing. Or inequality. I ask this...

A Little Hand
Learning doesn't happen in our comfort zone. It only happens when we courageously stretch. I share this reflection with participants all...

The Field We Love Playing On
"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there." - Rumi The quote above has stayed closely with me...

Taking On The Challenge
Just over a week ago I got the opportunity to have a quick trip up to one of my happy places. The Blue Mountains have always felt like a...

Different Angle
It was a beautiful Saturday morning a few weeks ago. My friend and I had been for a swim, had breakfast and were walking back down to...

The Most Challenging Part
I love and am constantly inspired by the honesty of the participants within our program experiences. They're always reminding us why...

Our Leadership Muscle
Leadership is like a muscle, it has to be worked if we want to be able to build up, maintain and have access to its purposeful skills,...

Stepping into the Dojo
During the past week I tried a certain activity for the very first time. There was plenty of excitement. There was plenty of...

The Desire Line
Image found on Pinterest and credited to wwwis.win.tue.nl I’ve always been fascinated by them. How they look. How they’re created. Why...