Whole School Approach

This week sees us feeling excited, grateful and inspired as we embrace a new opportunity. A few months ago I took a phone call from one of our amazing client schools enquiring about a whole school approach to complement the Stage 3 leadership program we delivered for them last year. Our I’m Choosing Kind™: Stage 2 Connection and Mindfulness Program was launched in 2015 with the aim of further supporting our client schools in this way. What a privilege it is to be working with students from Years 3 – 6 in a variety of our client schools each year. Now with this phone call we were being presented with the opportunity to explore how we could engage, challenge and inspire Early Stage 1 and Stage 1 students as well. This week it becomes a reality.
“There are two lasting bequests we can give our children: one is roots, the other is wings.” – Hodding Carter
This morning saw us opening up the week of program days with an enthusiastic group of Kindergarten and Support Unit (Years 1 -4) students. What an amazing cohort of children to work with. What fun it was to deliver our I’ll Give It A Go: Early Stage 1 Social and Emotional Growth and Development Program for the very first time. We truly believe that life is an incredible journey; full of adventures and opportunities to explore the possibilities, discover potential and act authentically. So when we as individuals and groups foster and continue to develop a mindset for stretching and growth, it can really assist us within our life long learning journeys. Games, activities and challenges were used as we focussed in on building an attitude of I CAN, a belief in YOU CAN, and inspiring WE CAN. The smiles, curiosity and experimentation that I witnessed reminded me why it is such a privilege to work within Primary Schools.
“You can’t pick out the pieces you like and leave the rest. Being part of the whole thing, that’s the blessing” – Natalie Babbitt from Tuck Everlasting
The second of our new programs will come on Wednesday. We can’t wait to deliver the Pieces of the Puzzle: Stage 1 Social and Emotional Growth and Development Program for the first time as well. Integrated into that experience will be our belief that every puzzle piece is important, needed and to be celebrated when we consider that they are all used to bring out the whole picture. As we engage with life from a place of wonder, we see pathways to change, growth and potential opening up. We look forward to then continuing to support the students and teachers who take part in each of the programs this week through our ongoing communication. Each term we send through to our client schools a themed Challenge and Newsletter. This forms part of our commitment to meaningful action beyond each program experience.
“The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you.” – B. B. King
We love sharing our vision of ‘informed, connected and empowered individuals believing deeply in their own and others potential’ with our client schools through our program days and ongoing communication. What an amazing week this will be! I wonder what new thoughts, words and actions will ripple from the inspiring students who we will have the pleasure of supporting?