What a Way to Finish the Year!

A week ago I was gifted with the most perfect challenge to round out 2016. With my mantra this year being ‘Remembering to Rumble’ (adopted after reading Brené Brown’s book Rising Strong), I couldn’t of scripted a more appropriate test for what I’ve been practicing all year long. The rumble happens within the stories. Those we tell ourselves, others and the world around us. It showed up for me this year as a willingness to get curious around, challenge and reality check the narratives I create as often as possible in real time.
“THE RUMBLE: OWNING OUR STORY – Get honest about the stories we’re making up about our struggle, then challenge these confabulations and assumptions to determine what’s truth, what’s self-protection, and what needs to change if we want to lead more wholehearted lives.” – Brené Brown, Rising Strong
Friends in the Blue Mountains told me we’d be going on an adventure. I’ve done some amazing canyons with them over the past few years so I was excited about what this opportunity would bring on my short visit a week ago. I trust them implicitly. But of course, like any good challenge, this was going to involve stepping out of my comfort zone (with support). My friend made one particular comment as we left the house that I rumbled with on the walk over to Boars Head. He used the phrase ‘can be intimidating’ when offering an answer to a question I asked about the climb out after the abseils we’d be doing.
“Choosing to be curious is choosing to be vulnerable because it requires us to surrender to uncertainty.” – Brené Brown, Rising Strong
The abseils were so much fun. The various gullies and ledges we traversed were stunning. But now here I was at the section of the adventure that definitely required me to remember to rumble. 140m of rock face below me. 45m of rock face above me. The way out, up. This was something that I’d never navigated before. It would require me to stay present, focussed and determined, all the while getting curious around, challenging and reality checking the stories I created (some of them were incredible) in real time. I was so grateful for this perfect challenge and its timing as 2016 comes to an end.
“We don’t have to do all of it alone. We were never meant to.”- Brené Brown, Rising Strong
My friends were incredible. Their expertise and demeanour puts you at ease and allows you to stretch so that learning and growth can take place within the challenge. I did it, and was so proud of what was accomplished. So here’s to all the learning and growth that has taken place in 2016. And more importantly, here’s to all the incredible individuals and groups that I’ve had the pleasure of exploring the possibilities, discovering potential and acting authentically with throughout this year. I can’t wait to see what 2017 will bring. Happy New Year!
“The rumble is where wholeheartedness is cultivated and change begins.” – Brené Brown, Rising Strong