Bridging: Ideas into Action

I wonder what 2017 will bring? There are certain things that are already booked into the calendar or are being planned, but obviously there is also so much open possibility as well. Within this open possibility there can be a focus on resolutions relating to outcomes. We’ve all done it, I’m going to ___________ (fill in the blank – lose 10kg, get a new job, etc.). And then in a few weeks time as we navigate choices, complexity and challenges the resolution seems to slip away. What we’re planning again this year is a mantra to guide our thoughts, words and actions focussed on process.
“An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea.” – Buddha
Our plan: being passionately curious about how we as individuals and groups bridge ideas into action. Why: we believe so strongly in potential and in the difference that we are all able to make in our own and others lives. We also know (as described in the image above) that it is action that changes things. The bridge between knowing and doing though can be a challenging one. So, to be most effective in creating purposeful and powerful ripples ourselves and also serving the communities whom we support so they can do the same, making learning a priority is a must.
“Action expresses priorities.” – Mahatma Gandhi
How: to start with by asking questions (and plenty of them). We’ve already started on Twitter (@ExploreDiscAct) our Question of the Day to keep us focussed on this vital element of embodying this year’s mantra. We’ve also started organising conversations with inspiring individuals and groups who are being the change they wish to see in the world. Curiosity will lead the way. We can’t wait to see what we learn through engaging with and listening to all those we have the chance to interact with this year. Then finally we’re going to continue to share. Through our program experiences, ongoing communication with clients and of course through our various social media platforms like this Blog.
“Our real problem, then, is not our strength today; it is rather the vital necessity of action today to ensure our strength tomorrow.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower
We love being involved in the development of leadership potential within our spheres of influence. Our vision remains, ‘informed, connected and empowered individuals believing deeply in their own and others potential’. Our programs are delivered predominantly in Primary Schools so we can assist in fostering purposeful skills, attitudes and behaviours in 21st Century learners. Having the courage to make a difference is a practice. One that we’re committed to fostering within participants from an early age. But most importantly, one that we’re committed to fostering within ourselves first. It’s in the process, not the outcome, that we have the opportunity of being the change.
“Nothing changes if nothing changes.” – Multiple attributions