Getting Under the Surface

One thing I just love is when I have the opportunity to support groups of educators. Last week again provided for one of those opportunities. This group of camp leaders were inspiring for so many reasons. But one of the biggest reasons is that they allowed themselves, and ourselves, to go there (individually and collectively). And the ripples created were incredible.
“Maybe you are searching among the branches, for what only appears in the roots.” – Rumi
One of the things I love most about outdoor education is the deep levels of connection that it opens up for and to self, others and the world around us. But, there’s a big but (there always is when we are talking about connection). Are we as individuals and groups willing to show up fully, remain open and then hold that space for each other (with all the vulnerability that involves) so that we can get under the surface? It’s where the magic happens. But it’s also where we can sometimes be fearful to let ourselves go.
“Look within. Within is the fountain of good, and it will ever bubble up, if thou wilt ever dig.” – Marcus Aurelius
What a privilege it is to be able to open up pathways for this type of stretching, so that growth and development can follow. Hearing the camp leaders talk about the impact the support they received had on them (individually and collectively) reminded me why getting under the surface is so important. I can’t wait to hear how these individuals make real and embody the learning they’ve taken away. And most importantly, hear about how the kids who they support in the future will be positively impacted through their continued empowered thoughts, words and actions.
“Opportunities to find deeper powers within come when life seems most challenging.” – Joseph Campbell