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Brought to Tears

As I looked around at the school’s staff members in the room they were all welling up. We were closing in on the end of the half day program experience that I was facilitating and one of the Stage 2 boys had just shared a connection. This last big challenge they were undertaking was very playful and had the students moving right around the open space. I had just brought all the participants back in to reflect before they’d have some more time to experiment and play.

“Teaching is more than imparting knowledge, it is inspiring change. Learning is more than absorbing facts, it is acquiring understanding.” – William Arthur Ward

‘You wouldn’t believe how far we’ve come with him’, is what some of the teachers and support staff emotionally shared after. His connection was to do with his challenges of being very sensitive, but through support he has become more comfortable over time with being him and completing his learning. The boy had been so engaged throughout the whole session, contributing significantly through his thoughts, words and actions. This honest reflection though had brought these educators to the brink of tears.

“When educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts.” – Dalai Lama

Like all of our client schools, we believe strongly in the potential of each of the individuals in their care. We understand the amazing commitment schools and educators have for the welfare and educational opportunities offered to their students as they progress through their school years. Education is a complex and interdependent journey, with many important pieces of a puzzle supporting students, staff and school communities to achieve the best outcomes for each individual. It is a privilege to be able to support and enrich the learning, social and emotional growth and development, and leadership journeys of all the participants that we’re lucky enough to work with.

“Education is transformational. It changes lives.” – Condoleezza Rice

Thank you to all the passionate educators out there who are making such a difference in the lives of students each and every day. It definitely isn’t a sprint, but your ongoing efforts, in diverse and challenging environments, really is transformational. We’d all remember important ‘teachers’ in our own journeys of potential. Those individuals who believed in us (even when maybe we didn’t believe in ourselves), challenged us (even when maybe we didn’t want to be challenged) and walked beside us as we together explored the possibilities, discovered potential and acted authentically. I consider myself very fortunate to be living the saying, ‘It’s a beautiful thing when a career and a passion come together’. And more importantly, getting to share it with such inspiring students, staff and school communities.

“Change is the end result of all true learning.” – Leo Buscaglia

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