Planting Seeds

It's spring time here in Australia and the gardens are blooming. I love this season, warmer weather, being back in the ocean and of course the incredibly beautiful flowers, plants and trees that are in full bloom. It's had me thinking though about the journey through the various seasons to get to this point. Seeds need to have been planted and tendered to if we want to reap the benefits when it's finally time for them to blossom.
"Leadership's not a title. It's a behaviour. Live it." - Robin Sharma
I love how we're able to plant seeds right throughout our program experiences and within our ongoing communication with our client schools. There's nothing like the feeling of creating fertile soil as participants open up to the key messages and themes that are explored within the day. You can see it in their eyes, body language and engagement, when something resonates deeply there's a physical response. One such example in the last few weeks or so has reminded me why we're so passionate about the development of leadership potential in Primary Schools. What a privilege being on this journey is.
"Leadership is about the decisions you make, and the actions you take each day. The world is waiting. Leadership is a choice - and it starts with you." - Alyse Nelson
It was the end of a great day with 113 Year 5 students. I'd been so impressed with their engagement, depth of thinking and contributions right throughout the program. As the students began moving back to their classes at the end of the day a few came up to me to shake my hand and say thanks. I was incredibly grateful for all their reflections but it was the final boy who had hung around who really humbled me with his heartfelt remarks. He said, 'I just want to say thank you because before you came I thought leadership wasn't for me, now I want to put my hand up and lead'.
"Recognise that every interaction you have is an opportunity to make positive impact on others." - Shep Hyken
Wow, I could tell this had taken a lot of courage for him to come up to me like this and share his reflection. I was so humbled and thanked him for that, as well as his efforts throughout the day and the difference he'll be apart of making as a leader. How often do we get trapped into thinking that something isn't for us because of a perceived lacking (a particular skill, attitude or behaviour), rather than owning that a leader uses their daily thoughts, words and actions in purposeful ways to create ripples (e.g. not just standing on a stage giving a speech at assembly because you're wearing a leaders badge). When we embrace and make real anything it comes to life, and the energy that's created throughout that process will inevitably be felt by others.
"When I found my why, I found my way. When I found my way, I found my wings."
We don't need to be elected to be a leader. Leadership isn't a badge or position. As the John C. Maxwell quote suggests, 'It is about one life influencing another'. I really am so privileged to be surrounded by so many inspiring leaders each and every day.