Leaders are Readers

This past week I found myself again immersed in a thought provoking book. The book in question had been a recommendation from a friend. As I sent multiple text messages throughout the week reflecting on what I was reading and thanking him for the loan, I then received an email from an Assistant Principal within one of our client schools. It read, 'I wanted to say thanks for suggesting reading that book. I read it over the weekend and couldn't put it down!'
“Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.” - Harry S. Truman
I love conversations that turn into book recommendations. They're opportunities to be inspired, challenged and changed by the learning that lives within its pages. Not every book will grab you the way I and the Assistant Principal felt this past week. But each book we chose (or chooses us) has the potential to open us up to another way of being in the world. The funny thing is I haven't actually read yet the book that I recommended to this Assistant Principal. I'd heard about it in a podcast and told him that, but I can't wait to get to it over the coming weeks.
"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." - Dr. Seuss
I'm a serial highlighter in the books that I read. Because last weeks book was a loaner though I reverted to taking notes as I read instead. I found myself busily writing as there were many things that jumped out at me within the pages of 'Utopia for Realists' (written by Rutger Bregman). There's one particular quote though I've found myself coming back to each day as I reflect on this book. In sharing an example of a pilot program that was happening in London Rutger Bregman provided a quote from an Aid Worker involved, 'It's quite hard to change overnight the way you've always approached this problem. These pilots give us the opportunity to talk differently, think differently, describe the problem differently...'
"Today a reader, tomorrow a leader." - Margaret Fuller
This might just be what books do for leaders as well. We are all navigating lenses that are clouded by our own experiences, biases, etc. When we are able to lose ourselves in another persons perspective, research or storytelling we get the opportunity to as I mentioned earlier be inspired, challenged and changed by the learning that lives within its pages. What are you reading at the moment? And what books would you recommend to others?
"The best leaders are the most dedicated learners. Read great books daily." - Robin Sharma