Leadership Isn't Political

At the end of our program experiences I love gauging how the participant's thoughts, beliefs, and ideas around leadership have grown, changed, or been challenged. Sometimes that happens through direct questioning. Other times it's through an individual or group reflection. And then there's also when a participant just comes right up after we finish and shares a particular learning with me. However it occurs, it's always inspiring to be reminded that leadership has a purpose, not an agenda.
"Remember that leadership is about influence and impact, not title and accolades." - Robin Sharma
The other week a Year 5 boy summed it up perfectly. He said, 'Before today I thought a leader was more important than and stood above others. Now I think a leader works with others to make a difference'. What great courage that took to share his growth experienced within the program day. Especially when you consider how dramatic the change in his thinking had been. It's the most important part of any development opportunity though, can learning be made real by the participant and translated into transferable skills, attitudes and behaviours beyond the intensity of the experience?
"The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers." - Ralph Nader
The title of this post is intentionally two fold. Firstly: So often our leadership lens can be adversely impacted by the notion that a 'leader' must be elected and then they join an exclusive club. We can see leadership as individuals being in competition with others to get the badge. Then that title bestows leadership on that person so they are now in control. And finally that its primary function is the narrow skill set of standing on stages giving speeches, as well as executing the 'you're either with us or against us' divisiveness that's evident in arenas such as Question Time. What a destructive narrative this provides. I'm not saying being elected disqualifies you from being a leader. I am saying though that being elected doesn't guarantee you're a leader.
“What is right is not always popular and what is popular is not always right.” - Albert Einstein
Secondly and really importantly though is what I wrote earlier: leadership has a purpose, not an agenda. How we view, challenge and navigate these powerful paradigms can have a significant impact on the ripples created by our daily thoughts, words and actions. It's why we're so passionate about the development of leadership potential. Within our spheres of influence we purposefully use experiential learning and ongoing communication to assist in the fostering of 'informed, connected, and empowered individuals believing deeply in their own and others potential'. What a privilege it is to be able to engage, challenge and inspire 21st Century learners, who then continue to motivate us through the courageous difference they make as true leaders as they grow and develop.
"Vulnerability is not weakness. And that myth is profoundly dangerous." - Brene Brown
A leader's path is filled with vulnerability, questions and out of our comfort zone learning. This is why we need each other. To remind. To reassure. To recharge. To reimagine. To recommit. To reengage. And it's also why as leaders our purpose, not an agenda, is always close at hand. Each of us really can 'be the change we wish to see in the world' as we explore the possibilities, discover potential and act authentically. Will we have the courage to consistently and compassionately do this though? Thank you for being on this ongoing journey with us. None of us can do it alone!
“Be a voice not an echo” - Albert Einstein