The Really Important I in Team

Words matter. They help shape our thinking, and if we're not mindful can really have an adverse effect on our individual and shared ongoing thoughts, words, and actions. It's always interesting though when we try and simplify complex themes through catchy sets of words. We all do it. Catchphrases get repeated and carry certain messages, albeit interpreted slightly differently by us all.
“Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It's about one life influencing another.” - John C. Maxwell
One that comes up a lot within our spheres of influence is, 'there's no I in team'. It's usually when a participant is trying to articulate the intangibles whilst working together with others. We get it, it's hard to sometimes pin point exactly what purposeful skills, attitudes and behaviours are being used as a group of individuals transform into a team in front of your eyes. But what about the really important I in team that allows all this to happen?
"True leaders bring out your personal best. They ignite your human potential.” - John Paul Warren
The I we're referring to is not the egoic I. The I we're referring to, the really important I in team, is influence. The egoic I is driven by control: What's in it for me? How do I get others to do what I want? I know best. With influence as the compass a leader emerges knowing that their thoughts, words and actions matter as it's the way they make a difference for self, others and the world around them. They also know and embody that others thoughts, words and actions matter also.
"The test of leadership is not to put greatness into humanity, but to elicit it, for the greatness is already there." - James Buchanan
We love watching this come to life as participants take on challenges within a program day. We also love fostering language around what's happening so that participants can more effectively process, own, and maximise their contributions within their spheres of influence. Developing leadership potential has a lot to do with the quote above this paragraph. We're so fortunate to be in the position of engaging, challenging, and inspiring participants who are, can, and will 'be the change they wish to see in the world'.
"The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority." - Ken Blanchard
Think of someone within your spheres of influence who embodies this really important I in team: Influence. What is it about the way they think, speak, or act that opens up opportunities for them to positively impact those their surrounded by and help transform groups of individuals into teams? What could we learn from them as we too make a difference for self, others, and the world around us as leaders? What's one thing we could do more often that would open up more opportunities to choose influence over control within our interactions? Thanks for being on this journey with us!
"You don't lead by hitting people over the head - that's assault, not leadership." - Dwight D. Eisenhower