It's In The Eyes

Holidays, got to love them! A chance to refresh, recharge and recalibrate. We kind of can't believe there's only one more term to go in this current school year. But we're really looking forward to again walking shoulder to shoulder with our client schools after the break. Bring on all the adventures, learning and growth that those ten weeks will hold.
As I sit here reflecting on the last ten weeks it's a teacher's comment on one of our last program days that bubbles up first. You know how passionate we are about developing leadership potential, and we love when participants and teachers feel that too. Sharing a message we believe so deeply in has us feeling lit up as we facilitate. And it's a privilege to watch the students embrace this state as well.
So, we're more than half way through the aforementioned program day. It's our second year working with this client school. It's proving to be another great group of Year 5 students to work with. These leaders are locked in. We are as well.
Then one of the teachers sidles up. She says, 'You must have the most incredible job satisfaction'. I'm filled with gratitude as we talk. We really do love what we do. We really do love having the opportunity to share our passion with others. And we really do love being a part of the growth and development of all those we are privileged to work with. Leadership is a shared endeavour, and we get to take this journey with such inspiring individuals and groups.
So why the name of this post? So often when we talk to teachers during program days they refer to the look in their students eyes. They're lit up, and the teachers will comment on how inspired as educators they feel because of that. We're all about engaging, challenging and inspiring participants. What a joy it is to have others notice how lucky we are as well.