Means, not an Ends

A few leadership reminders from the weekend:
1. Keep Showing Up
On Saturday I had the opportunity to attend a Youth Forum on Racism. It was a great investment of time and energy, as I soaked up stories of lived experiences, new information and strategies to most effectively navigate this and other issues within our spheres of influence. But I almost didn't get there.
We all experience busyness, potential distractions and choice. But showing up is our ongoing means for opening up pathways to practice, learning and growth. I'm so grateful I made the choice to go.
2. Listening as the heart of Leadership
Listening involves not only hearing what's happening within or around us, but courageously staying open to and willing to be changed by what we hear. This requires presence, mindfully navigating the interactions we are a part of. We all have prejudices, conscious and unconscious. If we're not present, they can go unchecked.
This is why just showing up isn't enough. How we show up is so important too.
3. Keep Surrounding Yourself with Difference
If we always surround ourselves with the same voices, we'll always think the same way. The way we think impacts the way we then speak and act. Purposefully seeking opportunities to deepen connection with individuals and groups that reflect and celebrate difference is not just in others interests. It's in our interest as well.
A difference makers means is connection. The more we're able to notice, foster and value it, the more we're able to support those around us as we and they navigate the inevitable ups and downs that life presents. We definitely can't control what others do. But we can influence, using our thoughts, words and actions to be the change we wish to see.