A Box of Chocolates

There are lines in particular movies that are just iconic. They're lodged so far into our brains that when triggered even the actresses/actors voice, tone or intonation comes flooding back. Forest Gump's, 'Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get', definitely falls into that category. It's also one that was triggered for me last Friday morning as I stood in front of a group of Year 5 students ready to start a program day.
I'm often asked how it is delivering the 'same' program many times within a week, term or year. Our L.E.A.D. with Courage: Stage 3 Leaders Program is our signature offering, therefore it is very popular within our client schools. I always respond that it never feels the 'same' though. There may be many similarities in relation to themes, activities or progressions throughout the experience, but it's always facilitated for the participants who are in front of us on that day, not just being delivered in a certain way.
The group number changes daily, with us facilitating the program for cohorts of up to 150 students. The times we've been in front of a particular group of students changes daily, with us seeing some cohorts more than once in a year, over two years or right across their Primary School journey from Kindergarten to Year 6. The individual and group context, complexities and outcomes changes daily, with each participants potential being valued, supported and celebrated within our program experiences. I could go on, but I think you get the idea.
So back to last Friday morning. Two teachers are getting ready to quickly mark their class rolls before we kick off for the day. Then one of the teachers says to her students, 'Should we do the Spanish?' They enthusiastically nod their heads and I'm treated to her and their call and responses in a language I only wish I could speak. What topped it off was then being welcomed and said Good Morning to in Spanish, it was the first time that has ever happened. Life really is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get!
We're always so humbled by the feedback received from the teachers and students involved in our program experiences. These two teachers mentioned above so kindly wrote at the end of the day, 'Great enthusiasm for the topic shown by Cameron. Nice surprise elements to activities and wonderfully linked to intended outcomes' and 'Students involvement, enthusiasm and responses show the high level of this program'. But it's us who want to say thanks also.
Thank you to all those who work to support each student's holistic journey of potential, so they can foster a lens that is open to the magic of being a life long learner, showing resilience through the inevitable ups and downs that life presents, and striving to build connection and make a difference through their daily thoughts, words and actions. I'm not sure how to say that in Spanish though, sorry! I wonder what adventures tomorrow will hold?