Constantly Inspired By

Today I had the pleasure of meeting with an Assistant Principal from a new client school. Later in the term we'll work with their students for the first time. It'll be with their 12 elected student leaders on that visit, helping them develop a School Action Plan that they can implement throughout 2019. Then later in the year we'll be back at the school over a couple of days working with the whole Year 5 cohort (220 students) as they prepare for their opportunity to lead as Year 6 students the following year. I walked away from our meeting feeling again so inspired.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” - Nelson Mandela
It's always the same feeling I get after speaking with staff from within our network of client schools. Educators are such passionate people. Teaching and working within schools is complex, challenging and really busy. But I'm constantly reminded of and inspired by the commitment those who work within school communities have for enriching the lives of those in their care. Educators will never fully know where the ripples they create end up. But we're so grateful for their dedication each and every day to purposefully creating them.
"Teachers have three loves: love of learning, love of learners, and the love of bringing the first two loves together." - Scott Hayden
I've been privileged to have many of these sorts of conversations over this first six weeks of the new school year. There's been school communities looking to review and update their learner guiding principles. There's also been school communities looking to develop new initiatives to increase student voice and difference making. There's been the incredible success stories of students who have come so far within their learning journeys. And of course there's been the open and honest reflections on the ups and downs of life as an educator. Thank you to all those teachers we are lucky enough to now know, have built connection with and support through our program experiences and ongoing communication.
"Teachers affect eternity; no one can tell where their influence stops." - Henry Brooks Adams