You Can't Have One Without The Other

Stage 1 of the return began today. Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 12 students headed back into the classroom. One more week of remote learning for the rest of the grades and then all students will be back in NSW. We know there'll be a lot of grateful teachers, students and families that this is happening, but obviously there'll also be a lot of other emotions being felt, experienced and navigated as well.
"No significant learning happens without a significant relationship."
- Dr. James Comer
We've been talking to a lot of our client schools of late and certain themes keep coming up. Front and centre is (as always) the wellbeing of each and every one of their students. So many have expressed how much checking in has been happening virtually and over the phone over the past few months. Trying to gague where students are really at though (emotionally in particular) is definitely more challenging in remote settings. Teachers and school communities are so keen to wrap around the kids in person again so many important layers of support.
"Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care."
- Theodore Roosevelt
What teachers and schools know is that you can't have quality teaching and learning without connection and relationship. It's one of the incredibly demanding and complex aspects of teaching (of which there are many). Learning happens in the stretch zone. For students to spend consistent enough time there though they need to be able to vulnerably lean in and be open to listening, mistake making and challenge. Connection and relationship helps oil these pathways to individual and collective breakthroughs, growth and success (whatever that looks, sounds and feels like for each student).
"Minds are like parachutes, they only function when they are open."
- James Dewar
Thank you to all the school staff, students and their families that are purposefully, vulnerably and compassionately walking together through much uncertainty over the coming weeks and months. We know that you'll again have the best interests of each and every kid at heart as you support the learning process (like you always do). All the best, we can't wait to see you all again in person as well when it becomes safe to do so.